Turtle in a sentence as a noun

"In devops is turtle all way down but at bottom is perl script.

So true: "In devops is turtle all way down but at bottom is perl script.

I have shown my son the Logo turtle, but hopefully this will make even more sense to him.

The CEO, marketing guy with black turtle neck, "runs" engineering.

Along these lines, Steve Jobs didn't wear his iconic turtle neck and jeans when he was just a startup.

I'm trying to get a turtle bot together and build a sort of lab component of Prof Thrun's robot car class.

Fundamentally, they aren't so different from you or a turtle or a fruit fly.

Then you're proud to have as a senator someone who compared gay marriage to marrying a box turtle.

Turtle in a sentence as a verb

It's basically like the classical Jobs' uniform of jeans+turtle neck, but way better looking.

It was an introductory CS course, and the assignment was to draw a scene using Python's turtle graphics module.

If you have to pivot your product it's not "Oh ****, now we're going to have to take that duct taped sewage monster and turn it into a duct taped ninja turtle.

[edit: the last turtle being legal title to real property recorded at the courthouse - and title to which in many places can be traced back to royal grant.

It's worth getting it to the 90% of high schools that don't teach it yet, even if it ends up being trivial if-then-else turtle-make-30-steps-forward.

Come to think of it, I remember being first introduced to programming with Logo and its "drawing turtle" back in elementary school.

Of course the next turtle down is that property insurance allows banks to finance real property in accordance with financial regulations.

Turtle definitions


a sweater or jersey with a high close-fitting collar

See also: turtleneck polo-neck


any of various aquatic and land reptiles having a bony shell and flipper-like limbs for swimming


overturn accidentally; "Don't rock the boat or it will capsize!"

See also: capsize


hunt for turtles, especially as an occupation