Tummy in a sentence as a noun

There's non obvious one: gases in the tummy.

" "Put some tiger in your tummy today!

We give him "tummy time", as they called it at the hospital classes.

The baby eats, his tummy filles with gases, he cries, mother wakes up stressed and so on...

I don't like being in a position for longer than 15 minutes... Makes my tummy hurt.

" I also noticed that he had a bit of a tummy"Well, the book he wrote, is titled, "Why WE get fat.

Nobody gets even a little tummy bulge until they're 45 or 50.

My nephew can walk now and my son just drools and hates tummy time - and they will be going to the same school and same grade!

It's hard to explain why, but I just get a bad feeling in my tummy every time I have to interact with the database.

Lets ignore the personality cult and massive nuclear arsenal to concentrate on his slighty chubby tummy.

“My colleagues have been doing fMRI on my wife’s tummy every \n week for a few weeks now to see if we can activate the fetus’s\n brain,” he writes\n\nCraziness.

Also, even once firmly established in a given region, not everyone has friends in their specific neighborhood, or a given neighborhood they might find themselves in with a rumbling tummy.

Tummy definitions


slang for a paunch

See also: potbelly corporation


an enlarged and muscular saclike organ of the alimentary canal; the principal organ of digestion

See also: stomach breadbasket