Trumping in a sentence as a noun

It's a prime case of marketing trumping all other factors.

MPT is about minimizing risk - not trumping the performance of a stock.

Klout is a perfect example of great marketing trumping great product.

It's a case of perception trumping all else and you have to remember that even beyond legal issues, Dropbox has a brand to protect.

Money and the preservation of it is trumping decency and morality.

The DOJ has gotten exceedingly good at blatantly trumping up charges against innocent people on the flimsiest of excuses.

This attitude involves fashion and trends trumping all other considerations.

Why bother trumping up charges through an intermediary instead of just issuing a warrant for Assange's arrest on espionage grounds?

Head over the Anandtech or any other reputable review site and you will find many Android phones trumping the iPhone in battery life department.

Common sense should be trumping guessing based upon esoteric economic models that haven't yet yielded reproducible results.

Another great example of money trumping public safety is red light cameras, it's well known that the best way to reduce intersection fatalities is to increase the time length of the amber light.

The basic insistence on repeatability, independent of any individual, and trumping any logical system, wasn't there, though.

It isn't difficult to find examples of youth and exuberance trumping wisdom in this field -- I've already encountered working developers who are happy to tell me how technologies invented in the early part of this decade are "totally outdated".

Basically if someone made something desirable enough, then an efficient market would funnel enough money into trumping their patent through your concept, destroying whatever incentive the company had to make something valuable.

In training beginners explaining these concepts was the most difficult part of the training, trumping all others considerations, starting from the basics like "don't use vars".Scala is difficult because it's a functional programming language, beautifully blended with OOP, being in fact a better OOP language than most mainstream OOP languages.

Trumping definitions


(card games) the act of taking a trick with a trump when unable to follow suit

See also: ruff