Exuberance in a sentence as a noun

Are we hiding the exuberance that would otherwise signal excess, and thus don't realize how late in the cycle it already is?

Some writers, however, from sheer exuberance or desire to show off, sprinkle their work liberally with foreign expressions, with no regard for the reader's comfort.

This is really a shame, as one thing that comes out of hacker culture is not a feeling of defeatism, but rather a feeling of a real kind of exuberance about your work and life.

This seems like an opportunity for a contrarian VC betting against the others, dodging the irrational exuberance but getting better terms when founders need the money badly.

I'm not going to into a huge essay against pricing being rational but history has shown time and again that prices reach irrational exuberance; tulip mania and trading sardines are not merely historical phenomenon.

Yikes.>Toss aside the bath water of anxiety and you will also be tossing aside excitement, motivation, vigilance, ambition, exuberance and inspiration, to name just several of the inevitable sacrifices.

Exuberance definitions


joyful enthusiasm


overflowing with eager enjoyment or approval

See also: enthusiasm ebullience