Trolling in a sentence as a noun

I'm not trolling or trying to be negative...I'm just suspicious of why anyone should trust this.

I'm repeating myself, but in every single one of these patent trolling cases:Name.

Are sitting on an enormous pile of cash and donate nothing to charityAnd now patent trolling.

It's no different than any other form of trolling, and it should be managed accordingly.

With all their patent trolling and absurd tyrannical control over the app store, I have no idea why so many tech-saavy people still love Apple.

The really amusing part is that their trolling represents better economic policy than Bitcoin.

I feel like it could be a variant of concern trolling, where the writer pretends to care about the issue at hand but actually tries to redirect the conversation towards ad hominem attacks.

What was the value to the RSC of trolling the Content industry for reforms that had no chance of happening, that wouldn't have actually kept people from being bankrupted by lawsuits, that wouldn't make it easier to launch tech companies, and that at the same time manage to almost uniformly enrage rightsholders?Was this memo really "shockingly sensible"?

According to your article you sit back and say "oh thats totally ok because thats innovation and I'm happy that everyone has copied me and destroyed my advantage".The problems with the patent industry are patents abused by companies who have absolutely no interest in developing them but rather trolling them to simply extract money from other companies.

Trolling definitions


angling by drawing a baited line through the water

See also: troll