Tritanopia in a sentence as a noun

If they can be yellow or green... that might be a problem because of tritanopia and tritanomaly.

I took an online colorblindness test while wearing my set, and got a diagnosis of tritanopia.

Do you have tritanopia or something else?The weather app isn't in "iOS7" default style and is a little hard to read for normal trichromates.

Therefore, a bright blue colour would appear to to someone with tritanopia as yellowish white, since it is nearly equally detected by the green & red cones.

A number of phone calls to our support hotline made by customers who had accidentally switched to, say, the tritanopia-optimized palette.

I suppose they could have a very high incidence of tritanopia, blue light insensitivity, and in fact the spectrum shown here[1] matches up rather nicely with what's in the screenshot.

I thought tritanopia would experience this too since the blue cone is also an edge-of-the-rainbow cone, but apparently the blue cone plays a very small roll in detecting brightness.

Especially for the color-blind; specifically, those with tritanopia would find it difficult to distinguish the violet recovered balls from the brown sick balls.

On Windows 10, you can go to the Settings app > Ease of Access > Color & high contrast and choose color filters for deuteranopia, protanopia, tritanopia, grayscale, inverted, and grayscale inverted.

Tritanopia definitions


rare form of dichromacy characterized by a lowered sensitivity to blue light resulting in an inability to distinguish blue and yellow

See also: blue-blindness