Triptych in a sentence as a noun

That triptych of chemo round photos in the middle.

****, since we're talking wall-art here, just embrace the separated look and call it a triptych.

Mix up your [photography]Yesterday was a self-portrait triptych.

If you were only ever using the screen real-estate for multi-tasking, that would be one thing, but people want to watch videos and stuff....I wonder if a triptych of three screens would work better...

I'm very fortunate to have met co-founders that are beasts on the business and shipping & logistics sides of things, we form an awesome triptych, which is a very delicate balance to have.

Compelling reading indeed; Even less work was done at this terminal than a normal friday afternoon...Is there not an equivalent "compulsory single file for motor vehicles" petition?I can envisage that first triptych that shows the bicycles spilling into the car lanes, in reverse ... ie the roughly equally-capable fast-moving cars should be in the single lane, with bikes, pedestrians and other road users free to maneuver and accommodate one-another across multiple lanes.

Triptych definitions


art consisting of a painting or carving (especially an altarpiece) on three panels (usually hinged together)