Tripping in a sentence as an adjective

I note that "It's like tripping your balls off on ***" is missing from the list.

* I once did a drawing of a woman from the neck up, while tripping.

So, I'm going to force myself to wrap up with just a few more short highlights:* I learned OpenGL while tripping.

You then sit in the parking lot and communicate with your device without it tripping any IDS systems.

If you have a large and complex enough system, youre going to start tripping over the bugs and corner cases in other peoples modules.

Imagine, walking into a room of self-indulgent, Wall Street pricks, knowing that they're tripping over themselves to get in on the action.

I wasn't tripping at the time, but I was in a distinctly "trippy" mentality - so much so that I was having a mini-flashback by the end of the turn.

I'm nitpicking, but When images arrive, they come tripping onto the page, pushing other elements around and triggering a clumsy repaint.

All of this managed through archaic licensing systems run by bureaucratic power-tripping morons.

Then there were also the nightmares where I was tripping, would wake up, have something weird / trippy happen have a "world is ending" anxiety attack complete with ears ringing so loudly its painful.

It was just like shopping in a real world retail store, except you're tripping on *** flying uncontrollably upside down through a bright colored world of blocks and pyramids while wearing binoculars until you punch a hole in the sky and your browser crashes.

Tripping definitions


characterized by a buoyant rhythm; "an easy lilting stride"; "the flute broke into a light lilting air"; "a swinging pace"; "a graceful swingy walk"; "a tripping singing measure"

See also: lilting swinging swingy


moving easily and quickly; nimble; "the dancer was light and graceful"; "a lightsome buoyant step"; "walked with a light tripping step"

See also: light lightsome