Trimming in a sentence as a noun

There's a reason "geek style" quoting, trimming, and threaded mail agents are used.

They aren't just trimming - the departments are closing down.

Jobs's real genius was a first-class skill at abstracting: trimming things down to their essentials.

One of these kids could make a few hundred bucks a day for a week trimming and then use that cash to do a fair bit of traveling.

Their focus wasn't on the product, it was on living/working in SF. They could have saved a year's worth of AWS payments alone by trimming the fat that comes with wanting to be in a "hip" location.

But that's nothing that some refocusing, trimming, restructuring and good management can't fix.

Which still implies that not trimming debt immediately is irresponsibleI don't get it.

Just as a point of reference, I have 28 facebook friends, and I've been thinking about trimming that number down... but I'm pretty sure I exist.

If you're only looking at a handful of candidates, applying the filter might not make sense, but if you're looking at 1000 candidates, trimming it down by even 25% is probably pretty productive.

Which is that poor people only deserve to be helped if they are virtuous--good, salt-of-the-earth people who are struggling constantly to survive--who are savvily trimming coupons and saving every cent so they can better themselves and their children.

Trimming definitions


the act of adding decoration; "the children had to be in bed before it was time for the trimming of the tree"


a decoration or adornment on a garment; "the trimming on a hat"; "the trim on a shirt"

See also: trim passementerie


cutting down to the desired size or shape

See also: trim clipping