Clipping in a sentence as a noun

With all the clipping etc. this was quite a complex beast and fully written in 286 assembler.

But that's only because I don't like clipping, not because of any hardware issue.

They're saving PDFs, uploading scanned notes from class, searching through OCRed image results, clipping web pages, etc.

It is literally like the sound is clipping, the brapping noise moves through your teeth, it vibrates your clothes, you feel it inside of you.

What I don't like is is the sound of digital clipping, how VLC makes it easy to clip, and how VLC remembers these terrible settings.

You can't take risks when you're poor, you don't have mobility, you can't pay for childcare, you spend time clipping coupons instead of reading... the list goes on.

The odds are good that you'll see dozens of little bits of his/her gear clipping into itself while that character is engaged in the default standing animation.

So I got a suitable television and that worked, modulo the TV's overscan clipping off the first character on every line.

It really destroys the illusion when stuff that looks realistic and solid starts magically clipping through something else that looks realistic and solid.

I know this isn't the point of the article, but I wonder if, on HN, we should consider clipping "gratuitous adjectives" in titles that contribute to perpetuating dominant systems.

You might also want to keep a clipping diary or something where you can keep notes for yourself about what you like and don't like about certain things.- There's nothing wrong with imitation, within reason.

I've Turked a bunch -- and know people who do it for a couple hours a day -- and my understanding is that its overwhelmingly used as a way to pick up a few extra bucks while catching up on TV, a slightly more civilized replacement for clipping coupons or filling out paid surveys.

Clipping definitions


an excerpt cut from a newspaper or magazine; "he searched through piles of letters and clippings"

See also: cutting


cutting down to the desired size or shape

See also: trim trimming


the act of clipping or snipping

See also: clip snip