Trill in a sentence as a noun

Appelbaum throws back his head and screams with laughter — a gleeful, almost manic trill.

We wanted to experience the trill, terror and wonder.

I keep wanting to replace my cash but the price of Zimbabwe bucks keeps going up and up, 100-trillion costs $70+ now!

Having the $3trillion in US gov securities is still good because it still shelters it from price fluctuations.

I used to have a trillion dollar note and a large stack of million-dollar notes before some idiot at work stole them.

Trill in a sentence as a verb

On eBay, single $100 trillion dollar notes go for $10-30+ American dollars!

Some British dialects were heavily influenced by French, or imitated the francophone "upper" classes so much so that they no longer trill their 'r'.

If the $3 trill had been invested in harder assets as you suggests, the Chinese would have made a nice profit yes, but it doesnt safe-guard its import/export industry.

Zimbabwe's trillion dollar notes are quite popular with numismatics.

The reason our government gives this industry a pat on the back, a few trill, and an 'atta-boy every time it ***** up is because this industry has made a concerted effort to buy off the government.

Trill definitions


a note that alternates rapidly with another note a semitone above it

See also: shake


the articulation of a consonant (especially the consonant `r') with a rapid flutter of the tongue against the palate or uvula; "he pronounced his R's with a distinct trill"


pronounce with a trill, of the phoneme `r'; "Some speakers trill their r's"


sing or play with trills, alternating with the half note above or below

See also: warble quaver