Dysthymia in a sentence as a noun

But my dysthymia prevents me from seeing that stuff clearly.

I do not know much about severe depression but I have plenty of knowledge about dysthymia.

I should have distinguished between severe depression and dysthymia.

Sometimes I think "melancholy" was a better way to describe the situation than "dysthymia" or "major depressive disorder".

Indeed ... meditation _has_ been shown to relieve some symptoms of depression, dysthymia, cyclothymia, etc.

To state the obvious, the lack of motivation, feeling like **** and the ruminating you mention are common "symptoms" of depression or dysthymia or chronic sadness.

Or maybe you have some kind of debilitating disorder that needs medical/psychological attention, like dysthymia.

The DSM-5 specifically lists Persistent Depressive Disorder, formerly known as dysthymia, which is defined by chronic depressive symptoms for a period of two years or more.

Major episodic depression only has to last two weeks or so to be a clinical episode, but what I read in between the lines is a general dysthymia punctuated by some nasty episodes.

> I guess I don't see how seeing people who are more successful than you on facebook could possibly be more distressing than seeing those people at workI think you're hoping over a few categorical issues that create the social media dysthymia.

You also get a "hit" of dopamine when there is a loud, surprising noise, and any number of similar situations. Including good, natural situations. Including normal sex. This doesn't mean that "your dopamine levels get out of whack".When you say that 'life just becomes more dull' and 'distracting yourself from negative emotions' it sounds like you are describing dysthymia or depression more than anything specific to porn.

Dysthymia definitions


mild chronic depression; "I thought she had just been in a bad mood for thirty years, but the doctor called it dysthymia"