Trigram in a sentence as a noun

Google "trigram".Russ Cox has even indexed regexp searches this way.

If uncommon trigrams turn up frequently, this will be "small".

Go through your text, counting the number of trigrams that didn't exist in the sample text.

I’ll investigate this, but I think I excluded the preamble’s for trigram creation.

I would guess that the letter frequency, digram and trigram frequencies etc are quite skewed compared to random.

Seems like this just compares the L1 distance of the trigram count vector to some preselected document in each language.

There's another interesting method for speeding up regex searches as well - a trigram index[1].

I've no idea what trigram statistical analysis is, but the library looks very useful.

Adding a digram or trigram model would be interesting, as having one of these could greatly reduce the crack time of an English sentence as compared to random English words.

This post is very interesting and informative, esp. the part about indexing trigrams instead of words:> Regular expression matches do not always line up nicely on word boundaries, so the inverted index cannot be based on words like in the previous example.

Trigram definitions


a word that is written with three letters in an alphabetic writing system