Trigonometry in a sentence as a noun

Then we had 6 months of trigonometry in high school.

When we got to trigonometry, things just fell apart for me.

In the 5th grade I was doing algebra and trigonometry.

Quick sanity test: what do you remember about high school trigonometry?

Then they go to college and take an "intro" course that covers all of high school algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.

The biggest advantage of Tau over Pi probably lies in learning trigonometry for the first time.

The standard first-year math course is calculus, which builds on algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.

I used trigonometry last week to create some cool android interaction mode, but I bet most of my classmates forgot it at 18, and only wish they remember it when it comes up on a TV quiz show.

It's also incredible that it made me understand trigonometry at 30, after mexican education failed to got me interested in math.

You wouldn't call trigonometry calculus just because a course in calculus might involve the derivative of sine and cosine, so don't confuse probability theory and combinatorics.

How much have algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, physics, chemistry, history, geography, philosophy, etc. changed over the years for all but the most advanced levels of study?

> How much have algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, physics, chemistry, history, geography, philosophy, etc. changed over the years for all but the most advanced levels of study?

I immigrated to the United States having grown up in a couple of commonwealth countries and I was shocked to go from a school where I had been learning basic trigonometry to a school where basic algebraic principles weren't even taught until the next year.

Python provides trigonometric and hyperbolic functions without teaching trigonometry.

I would also say sine tables vastly improved people's ability to do trigonometry, back in the day...People will often express concern about growing dependent upon these devices, but I am in just the same way dependent upon pen and paper, dependent upon dictionaries, dependent upon Google, and a million other things.

Trigonometry definitions


the mathematics of triangles and trigonometric functions

See also: trig