Translation in a sentence as a noun

It's scary what you can do with machine translation these days...

Rob asked permission, and did a good job doing the translation.

The translation of the Facebook wall post seems incorrect.

For example, Google did not "invent" machine translation.

[crosspost from the French translation thread - now that we have the official details, I think this comment is better discussed here.

Creating a translation is considered creating a "derivative work" and unless you have been given rights to create derivative works, then you're in trouble.

An interesting feature that you couldn't replace is automatic translation: reading a russian blog asmit was written in english.

As a translator for the FBI, she had a lot to say about the 9/11 attacks and how corruption within the FBI's translation unit may have played a factor in failing to prevent those attacks [1].

This mechanism put together gives you: if x < 4 { goto b } else { x = x - 4 ; goto a } also known as "subtract and branch if less than or equal to zero", also known as "an instruction adequate to construct a one-instruction computer".The virtual machine "runs" by generating an unending series of traps: in the "goto a" case, the result of translation is another address generating a trap.

Translation definitions


a written communication in a second language having the same meaning as the written communication in a first language

See also: rendering version


a uniform movement without rotation


the act of changing in form or shape or appearance; "a photograph is a translation of a scene onto a two-dimensional surface"

See also: transformation


(mathematics) a transformation in which the origin of the coordinate system is moved to another position but the direction of each axis remains the same


(genetics) the process whereby genetic information coded in messenger RNA directs the formation of a specific protein at a ribosome in the cytoplasm


rewording something in less technical terminology


the act of uniform movement

See also: displacement