Torturous in a sentence as an adjective

It was such a torturous process getting it back.

And I thought going through the program, debug, UV erase cycle of a 2716 was torturous!

Why would you want the patient to accept this torturous existence, then just sit there in it?

' And that mental exercise is so torturous that after a while you give it up and just stop listening.

PayPal's "sandbox" environment is uniquely torturous to work with.

Plenty of people under torturous situations have committed *******, even if innocent.

After years of having to suffer with Outlook, Exchange, Sharepoint and Internet Explorer it would really just feel like the end of a long torturous assault on my existence by Microsoft.

As testimonies from Quantico staff, health professionals, and the private himself continued late into the night all week, often for hours without intermissions, more unraveled about not just the torturous conditions imposed on Pfc. Manning but the blatant mismanagement in the same institution he is accused of blowing the whistle on.

We wouldn't want to coerce large scale farmers running indisputably torturous husbandry operations into preventing a spike in infant mortality now!by the way, the phage therapy described in the comment you linked was largely developed by the soviets.

Torturous definitions


extremely painful

See also: agonizing agonising excruciating harrowing torturing torturesome