Excruciating in a sentence as an adjective

HN is simply an excruciating pain on a touch device.

Please excuse me while I explain the joke in excruciating detail.

Comments like these might not be allowed: > this is excruciating to read due to very strange page\n > layout.\n\nWhere's the patch for that?

The combination of the wrongness expressed in that thread and how easy it is to fix made it excruciating to read.

The quality can be shoddy, the wear can cause excruciating pain, yet some top brands sell for hundreds and even thousands a pair.

Went to hospital with glass in eye while experiencing major discomfort, down from excruciating pain earlier.

We also try to innoculate our process by communicating in as much excruciating detail as we can what it will entail.

I hate that "Call Us" where the price should be and needing to go through excruciating pitching by sales droid to get further, I'll ask them how their product is more special than a 747 next time....

To outlaw a plant which undeniably benefits cancer and Alzheimer patients [1], and people in excruciating pain is to deny people the will to live.

This was a long time ago, so I don't remember all the excruciating details, but it made coordination and collaboration on big documents pretty trivial.

There's something so excruciating about acting as a hypothesis checker for hours while the people in the room gradually develop the knowledge they need to solve their own problems because they don't trust you enough to delegate.

I'd say that goes directly against one of the theses of the article -- that "uncertainty magnifies the stress of waiting".The most excruciating waits that I've had to deal with in the last many years are at the Auslnderbehrde here in Germany -- the "foreigners' office".

So Patrick says in so many words that"Customers like typical HNers might like Tarsnap the way it is, but Colin should instead market to [such and such businesses] using [lots of specific and actionable advice] because [lots of reasons explained in excruciating detail]".HNers:"Oh, I like Tarsnap the way it is.

A salary giving me the same purchasing power in Silicon Valley, would cut my tax bill by about the same as my added costs for healthcare insurance, and certainly wouldn't cover my increased transport costs... I did the maths for this to excruciating detail because we were considering moving to the US at one point.

Excruciating definitions


extremely painful

See also: agonizing agonising harrowing torturing torturous torturesome