Toroid in a sentence as a noun

You can make a core memory by hand if you buy the ferrous toroid first.

No, the toroid one is much better because it changes the worktree to export the data.

They are tiny toroid ferrite cores with two windings around each--one for reading and one for writing.

2001's toroid design was indeed iconic, but it kind of anchored the idea of what a space station should like for several decades!

Half of the demos shown in the party had some kind of floating/rotating phongs-shaded toroid, and about a third sported a zoom-in/zoom-out view of a castle.

It must have been no later than 1995 or 1996, or about the time when the Amiga and PC groups had just discovered 3D toroids, vector castles and phong shading in general.

> more closely maps to a toroid than a sphereIt's the very definition of a torus, at least when we're talking about fundamental polygons[0].

But moreover, you mention 3d printers — it’s probably possible to manufacture the toroid on a sub-10k machine these days, be it a 3d printer or CNC machine.

I think it is funny to note that the old style of video game map, a square area where walking over one edge makes you appear at the opposite edge, more closely maps to a toroid than a sphere.

You can see from the design of the toroid on top of the final proposed magnifying transmitter, which is covered with half spheres to increase the surface area, thus reducing the electrical tension at each point on the surface, reducing the possibility of breakdown.

Toroid definitions


the doughnut-shaped object enclosed by a torus


a ring-shaped surface generated by rotating a circle around an axis that does not intersect the circle

See also: torus