Tongue-in-cheek in a sentence as an adjective

I think your post was tongue-in-cheek, and it is maybe one of my favorite HN posts ever.

It's so super-villainy that I can't help but think it's meant tongue-in-cheek.

It was a tongue-in-cheek reference to the recent discussions on HN about Python being in decline.

"But yeah, I tend to think that some of these "amazing insights" are chosen tongue-in-cheek, just to have an excuse to blog something and submit to HN.

I'll admit that when I wrote this, I did intend it as both a tribute to my favorite text editor as well as a tongue-in-cheek response to the cult-like following that it has. For me, membership to the pseudo-cult is just another reason why I love Vim.

Tongue-in-cheek in a sentence as an adverb

There is kind of a weird irony gap going on here -- to me it seems unremarkably obvious that all of the over-the-top language in the posting is tongue-in-cheek.

Come on you incorrigible pessimists, lighten up. There is obviously some tongue-in-cheek and inaccuracies in the article, but also some profound truth.

I understand it's tongue-in-cheek, but #2 is actually worrisome:> Theres even a no meeting Wednesday meme in the company, which you might as well call a failure to communicate death wish.

It's funny how you took that last line completely out of context, the author was clearly tongue-in-cheek with that statement, here is the what comes immediately after that sentence:> The community does not take itself seriously.

"He's obviously a bit tongue-in-cheek here, since earlier he wondered if his "defiance is just delusional, self-glorifying ******** that artists have always told themselves to compensate for their poverty and powerlessness.

Tongue-in-cheek definitions


cleverly amusing in tone; "a bantering tone"; "facetious remarks"; "tongue-in-cheek advice"

See also: bantering facetious


in a bantering fashion; "he spoke to her banteringly"

See also: banteringly


not seriously; "I meant it facetiously"

See also: facetiously jokingly