Incorrigible in a sentence as an adjective

He's an incorrigible troll and did not do it to be helpful.

Or maybe he'll fail in this: his sins may be too great, or he may prove to be incorrigible.

All of you asking for the transaction ID are incorrigible.

Do you really believe 7/10 black people are incorrigible bigots?

Is this a case of there just being a handful of particular incorrigible bad actors who we just have to wait to die?

Yeah, it is about the difference between being fixably flawed and being an incorrigible failure.

Honestly it does, but am an incorrigible optimist :-P I see a 100x or more speed up in science and technological innovation progress.

His vision of success was helping people who were indigent, incorrigible or otherwise considered broken by society.

Come on you incorrigible pessimists, lighten up. There is obviously some tongue-in-cheek and inaccuracies in the article, but also some profound truth.

I did think that the advertisement was sexist and made the hackathon seem exclusive to men. I don't know whether this incident was just an isolated bonehead move or it reveals incorrigible bad character in the people involved.

But they are more or less ignorant, and it is this that we call vice or virtue; the most incorrigible vice being that of an ignorance which fancies it knows everything and therefore claims for itself the right to ****.

"It is in literature as in life: wherever you turn, you stumble at once upon the incorrigible mob of humanity, swarming in all directions, crowding and soiling everything, like flies in summer.

I shouldn't have stated that: it would have been more accurate to describe it as confrontational rather than a threat.> By the way, it's rather fatuous to refer to my comment as a 'spin attempt' just because I didn't reflexively grab my pitchfork and torch and run out to join the mob trying to crucify this developer as a incorrigible misogynistI described it as spin because it focused on the initial commit & the grammar issues rather than the way Ben chose to escalate it.

Incorrigible definitions


impervious to correction by punishment