Tiredness in a sentence as a noun

Dehydration is a dominant cause of tiredness, pain and chronic diseases.

But that pushing is definitely going involving learning to ignore tiredness and such.

Morning or night person, most of us lose our good judgment at a certain level of tiredness and start staying up when there isn't a good reason to do so.

He tells the modern internet techie's narrative of stress and tiredness is just plain whining, complaining and asking for sympathy.

Even decent or good drivers are not that great, especially when you factor in distraction, tiredness, poor judgement of road conditions, etc.

What I've also found, however, is that this tiredness usually doesn't translate to how I feel for the rest of the day — I feel good all day no matter whether I get 6 or 8 hours.

A difficult digestion starting in the mouth is probably significant contributor to the feeling of tiredness after a meal.

When digesting unbroken food morsels, the stomach and the whole digestive system has to secrete more, takes more time to process our food, all this cumulatively increasing tiredness and fatigue on the body over the long run. I therefore recommend chewing so that you drink your food.

This means that instead of having bursts of super productivity followed by weeks/months of tiredness or simple "Meh, that's not interesting" I can trod along, putting one foot in front of the next, with a consistent pace.

Are you implying that somehow the vacuity of this acquired reflex in a reasonably safe place and its associated tiredness makes you wish to go to a dangerous place, if only to make that reflex have a purpose, a meaning?

If i go home I am just going to play xbox, would it not be spent better writing code?You need to quantify what "better" means here to even begin to answer this question:- better for your mental health to take a break or have some fun?- better for your code quality to not introduce mistakes due to tiredness?- better from some economic standpoint because you petceive the increased value in what you produce to be greater than what you value xbox-time at?

Tiredness definitions


temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard physical or mental work; "he was hospitalized for extreme fatigue"; "growing fatigue was apparent from the decline in the execution of their athletic skills"; "weariness overcame her after twelve hours and she fell asleep"

See also: fatigue weariness