Tint in a sentence as a noun

It put a very dark tint on the rainbow of the 60s for me.

The + sign and nav buttons are "tinted" as red, as are the rest of the app's functions.

Greys will always have some tint, blueish or yellowish perhaps.

When overlay UI appears, such color tints become grey.

"Inception" took a similar approach, where each dream level had a unique tint.

Even tinted glasses of any tint percentage aren't allowed.

Tint in a sentence as a verb

Please note what Apple is now calling the tint color, used to signify a tappable button, much like blue text on the web means it's a link.

The only person I had to say no to after that point was the financing guy who tries to sell you tint, pin striping, and all that extra stuff.

This is because they think the kidnapping, terrorism and crimes against women will stop if the cars get rid of sun films and tint on windows.

* Why do I delete a domain from the 'Web' and 'Social' tabs, and why isn't there an alert prompt?Add Domain:* The navigation bar tint color shouldn't change.

Most noticeable has been blue links showing up with a purple tint -- significantly different from the color showing in the Inspector.

Tint definitions


a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color; "after several trials he mixed the shade of pink that she wanted"

See also: shade tincture tone


color lightly; "her greying hair was tinged blond"; "the leaves were tinged red in November"

See also: tinct tinge touch