Tinkerer in a sentence as a noun

Sure, you can, but you're not a programmer, you're a tinkerer.

17 years old and a PHP Internals tinkerer...Awesome work Nikita, keep it up!

She was not a tinkerer/nerd, just a regular bright girl, her dad was not an engineer [was an architect].

As a hacker/tinkerer type programmer I can understand why it might be fun to build something like this.

The economics and ROI on 3d printers don't remotely work out for anybody who's not a tinkerer.

Breeding out curiosity and penalizing the tinkerer is not a good thing.

They’ll be fully sanitized for other little architects, and your tiny tinkerer will receive the next kit in his queue.

So the huge masses of non-teleological tinkerers - considered as a whole - who simply work on what they enjoy for its own sake, have the advantage.

FTA: I think many who extol Android’s flexibility fall into the tinkerer category, including some tech bloggers.

Think many who extol Android’s flexibility fall into the tinkerer category, including some tech bloggers.

In other words, any particular tinkerer will probably not invent the future, but the odds are good that eventually someone will stumble onto something.

A lifetime tinkerer, he acquired hands-on expertise with the technologies of the day: radio, hi-fi stereo, video equipment, and of course computers.

Stallman always says that the "tinkerer" is the original meaning, and that the "tinkerer with security holes" subset became the popular definition later.

While this is fine for the home tinkerer, an ATX power supply doesn't provide any of the basic safety features that are one of the main points of a professional lab power supply: protection against over-voltage and over-current.

Tinkerer definitions


an unskilled person who tries to fix or mend

See also: fiddler


a person who enjoys fixing and experimenting with machines and their parts

See also: tinker