Thermocouple in a sentence as a noun

There's a thermocouple power supply on the moon right now, it's been there for about 45 years and it's still going strong.

A thermocouple which won't shut off the gas immediately.

Most things with a pilot light make use of a thermocouple to keep the gas from leaking out when no flame is present.

It's going to be a while before you can power a tablet with a postage-stamp sized PV cell or thermocouple.

LEDs being so efficient allows for very low power sources and a thermocouple seems to be enough to light them.

It's an RTG, it uses the heat created by decay of radioactive isotopes to drive a thermocouple.

Is a thermocouple more efficient than a Sterling engine, or just more reliable because of the lack of moving parts?

I haven't done much hi-temp thermocouple work... anyone know how easy it is to solder to platinum with "real" or lead-free solder?

Aren't you talking about a microcontroller, a thermocouple, and a relay?

Thermocouple definitions


a kind of thermometer consisting of two wires of different metals that are joined at both ends; one junction is at the temperature to be measured and the other is held at a fixed lower temperature; the current generated in the circuit is proportional to the temperature difference