Thermistor in a sentence as a noun

It said to move the thermistor from the intake tube to the output tube.

I did some research a while back but I was trying to find a USB thermistor that would work with high temps.

It’s that your oven’s internal thermistor needs replacement.

Look at it this way - a thermistor varies its resistance based on temperature.

If you let the current be limited only by the thermistor you might draw too much of it and break the thermistor.

The extruder got hot and appeared to be functioning correctly with the thermistor.

Most lithium-ion chargers include an on-die thermistor for this reason.

I wonder if the WakeMate folks found one that didn't and also didn't populate an external thermistor to save space or cost.

A good regulator has a thermistor connected to the LEDs and will automatically drop the current to safe levels.

Or, even if the thermistor has enough resistance to prevent that, there's a catch: If the thermistor draws enough current it will heat up, which will affect its reading.

The resistance of the thermistor is changing with temperature, which means that the current in the circuit is changing with temperature, but you can't see that with your voltage probe.

Thank you very much for the elaboration.> ...the voltage at the top of the thermistor is always 5 volts, and the voltage at the bottom is always zero by definition.

Temperature proofing is unnecessary - the sparkfun thermistor is rated to 125C and you can trade latency for max temp by moving it away from the heated parts.

In this case, if you just hooked a 5 volt source across a thermistor, the voltage at the top of the thermistor is always 5 volts, and the voltage at the bottom is always zero by definition.

Manufacturers need to include cheap thermistor circuits, which automatically dim the light to a safe thermal equilibrium.

Sometimes simpler is better - his old unit was most likely entirely mechanical and involved an analog thermostat or thermistor and a single button.

The reason I believe that there is a conspiracy is that the technology to get a 10,000 hour incandescent bulb is fairly cheap & easy; you need a temperature compensating thermistor, AKA the Bulb-Miser [1].

A really accurate capacitive sensor to tell exact volume with a really accurate force sensor on the base to read weight/mass and a decent thermistor to calibrate for temp and you've got density at a specific temp.

Thermistor definitions


a semiconductor device made of materials whose resistance varies as a function of temperature; can be used to compensate for temperature variation in other components of a circuit