Theocracy in a sentence as a noun

Otherwise, we might as well roll back to theocracy or some other rubbish way of life.

The swiss have a direct democracy and are not a theocracy.

Who says we don't end up with a fascist dictatorship or, more realistically, a theocracy?

Need jobs!I might move to the states but it seems counter-productive to me to move from one insane theocracy to another.

If everything was direct, we'd be living in a bankrupt theocracy sending the poor and minorities to gas chambers while enriching the popular and well connected.

It has a theocracy founded on a religion invented by its reigning family, it has profound poverty, it is militant and provocative in a way that overshadows even Iran.

Dismissing Iran as an "evil theocracy" and a "a totalitarian terrorist state" is not entirely without grounds, but I would invite commenters to tone down their statements if geopolitics is not among their interests.

These are the fruits of theocracy, authoritarianism, and ultra-conservatism.

And considering I have not seen one single anti-equality argument that wasn't either religiously motivated or a gigantic mass of "appeal to tradition" fallacies, I suggest the "anti" side move to a different country where theocracy is an accepted form or government.

But, for example, to end police brutality, to end the war on *****, to end the kinds of racism we still have, to help everyone have a comfortable life, to protect the rights of people who do abortions, to protect us from theocracy, these are tremendously important issues, far more important than what I do.

Theocracy definitions


a political unit governed by a deity (or by officials thought to be divinely guided)


the belief in government by divine guidance