Geopolitics in a sentence as a noun

Until this spring, I had a similar tendency to think that geopolitics "nowadays" was drab and boring.

"Center-periphery" dynamics is the common term in geopolitics for dissent dynamics driven by movement inside/outside a core.

My qualm with Stratfor is they assume the reader has a theoretical foundation in geopolitics, economics, and military strategy and history.

Dismissing Iran as an "evil theocracy" and a "a totalitarian terrorist state" is not entirely without grounds, but I would invite commenters to tone down their statements if geopolitics is not among their interests.

Additionally, in terms of the implications of this leak for geopolitics and Internet business/security, this is easily the biggest and most important story in international affairs since 2001.

How could they possibly do that without spurring the invention of a lot of amazing things as a side-effect?I've mentioned my hypothesis that it would have positive effects on geopolitics by making it possible to view Earth as a locality.

Geopolitics definitions


the study of the effects of economic geography on the powers of the state