Tether in a sentence as a noun

So, if you are going to use a balloon it's going to be tethered.

Did they explore options for what would anchor the tether in space?

Did they devise plans for launching the cable/tether into orbit?

Punishing the victim who has been pushed past the end of their tether is not helping anyone.

Even then, how do they tell which one is the 'normal data' vs the 'tethered data' device?

I already have a phone; if I want to put the tablet on the internet I tether it to the phone.

I could tether it to my laptop without forking over extra money.

It honestly annoys me more than if AT&T just built in the tethering to the price and I just had to pay it.

And as laptops become more and more mobile, it's going to seem strange that we've spent so long trying to tether our mobile phones to our laptops.

Tether in a sentence as a verb

After all, nanotubes are known for many years, and their properties are sufficient for the tether, so in principle it can be done.

I question whether or not this support burden outweighs the costs of supporting people who call in expecting to be able to tether now.

Why should I not be allowed to tether my phone, when the technology is there and I am already paying outrageous amounts for my data plan?

For example, I don't tether or anything and don't watch a lot of video, but I'm still way above the tiny data plan that AT&T says is enough for 95% of its customers.

Consumers would probably love it, because it's very enticing: you get internet access in most of the world without having to find a public hotspot or tether your phone.

I understood when the idae was that a tethered laptop would use assloads of data on the nominal "unlimited" plan exceeding their modelled costs, but...dude, I bought data transfer.

I was once under the impression that selling web-enabled software was a stupid decision as a solo founder, because it would tether one to a server and uptime problems.

Every time I've spoken to anyone at Makani, about tether materials, motor design, carbon fiber manufacturing, whatever, they've known their **** very deeply.

Will there eventually be support for using your email address as your identifier instead of a telephone number?In a world of IP connected devices, the need to tether your self to the telecom cartel for an identifier is outdated.

Tether definitions


restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animal

See also: leash lead


tie with a tether; "tether horses"