Territory in a sentence as a noun

This is where he crosses the ******* line over to scumbag and crook territory.

EPB is now petitioning the FCC to expand its territory.

In it you will explore some of the most tedious \n territory ever seen by Hacker News readers.

He was a tweaker to the last, endlessly refining the same territory he had claimed as a young man."Really?

Is it true that the Soviet Union has supreme command of all troops and can invade any territory, even that of its allies?

As a US trust territory, for many years they had slave plantations that produced clothing for chinese companies which was labelled "Made in USA".

SpaceX is rapidly moving into territory where they are untouchable.

They do it by stripping asteroid belts of resources, holding territory where they can conduct R&D, and build every bullet you expend, every ship you pilot.

I'll generalize and say that's the Arduino and below territory, the hobby embedded territory.

[1]But after China's slow and steady media campaign, it has somehow become widely reported as 'disputed territory'.

Typical small town american fundamentalist hillbillies, but in a pacific island trust territory.

Unlike most people who post here, I have actually lived under a dictatorial regime that ruled a territory that later had a peaceful transition to democracy and legally protected civil rights.

The strange part was two years later I got a call from the contractor, they were in a panic because the driver didn't work with the latest version of SCO and they had to "urgently deploy a lot of these things" into a undisclosed "middle eastern territory".

What will burn bridges and what won't?So my question to PG and any other resourceful folks out there is: how do you approach a problem domain in which you know nothing, and manage to gain enough of a map of the territory so that you listen to someone's one-word suggestions and instantly grasp the implications?

But in a Europe coming out of feudalism where they were trying to define national loyalties and borders, worried about losing territory to the neighboring country, worried about all sorts of things that look foolish from a modern perspective, well, if Jews weren't going to care if they were Polish or Russian, that was a huge problem.

Territory definitions


a region marked off for administrative or other purposes

See also: district dominion


an area of knowledge or interest; "his questions covered a lot of territory"


the geographical area under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state; "American troops were stationed on Japanese soil"

See also: soil