Temperamental in a sentence as an adjective

It's woefully out of date, slow, and temperamental in ways that are frustrating.

Can you determine how temperamental someone is from a blind audition?

Web apps are often unresponsive and temperamental, only their mother can love them.

Sure there are some beautiful weeks in september and may but on balance its just gray, rainy, and temperamental.

Given, "a very temperamental person with an inflated view of their own talent or importance.

Is there a male equivalent of a "diva", if not does that support the assertion that female musicians are more temperamental?

I messed around with zeroconf/bonjour for this before I settled on this simpler mechanism -> it works but is pretty temperamental.

By the time you want a spouse, a family, and a place to put down roots, will the temperamental changes brought on by your nomadic living even make this possible?

Do female musicians in fact have "smaller technique" in general?Are female musicians "more temperamental" than male musicians in general?

"Linus is certainly temperamental, but you'd have a hard time convincing anyone he's less that a world-class developer, and critical to the linux community.

Also, the player has become really temperamental -- often refusing to accept volume control inputs via the screen for many seconds after laboriously starting to play a stream.

This is dangerous, dangerous territory and take heed, folks; any chance you have for legal recourse in a case such as this is completely and irrevocably undermined by temperamental writing in the heat of the moment.

Is that really true?If I were a female engineer, I would not get upset about the whole "he/she" controversy, rather I would be concerned that a temperamental manager could fire someone over something so trivial.

The article explained how the long-term relationship with an older violin, which is more 'broken in' but temperamental day-to-day, might be different than with a modern violin, which is more 'dependable' day-to-day but can experience significant shifts in tone as it ages.

Algorithms are difficult, temperamental and requires expert "tuning".The sequence seems to be:- First you learn the formal theory, the math and statistics.- Then you learn the "squinting", the ad-hoc rules for how to apply which algorithm.- Then implement the thingThis works better than just starting your editor and piecing code.

Temperamental definitions


relating to or caused by temperament; "temperamental indifference to neatness"; "temperamental peculiarities"


subject to sharply varying moods; "a temperamental opera singer"

See also: moody


likely to perform unpredictably; "erratic winds are the bane of a sailor"; "a temperamental motor; sometimes it would start and sometimes it wouldn't"; "that beautiful but temperamental instrument the flute"- Osbert Lancaster

See also: erratic