Teenager in a sentence as a noun

I looked at porn on the Internet as a teenager. I'm gay and back then I was deep in the closet.

I was a poor speller as a kid and thought Johnathan had two Hs until I was a teenager. Whoopsie.

The lawmen are perfectly fine with a video documenting how a teenager is being stabbed with a screwdriver in both eyes, then murdered. ...

Anyone who skated as a teenager will remember being thrown to the ground by a small piece of gravel stopping the wheel. Add 2000w of tractive power and city traffic and you've got a recipe for disaster.

Ask a teenager: "Did you know that Apple use to be a terrible company with mediocre computers, losing money and weeks from going out of business?" Answer: "What?

When I became a teenager, I got wind that it wasn't something "cool" and got spooked. For someone as insecure as I was, having a hobby that I couldn't really "explain" to normal people was embarrassing.

Similarly, another officer was caught on store surveillance taking his rage out on a teenager in a convenience store, stomping on his face, after a failed drug bust next door. That officer remains on the force also.

Note to people babbling about what a herculean task building an OS is: I started coding as a teenager in the early '90s and multiple friends of mine wrote plausible protected mode operating systems. A basic operating system is not that hard.

Right now, somewhere in the world, is a 17yr old teenager who started a company with some money from his parents, built a product, with help from friends and family, and got acquired for $30 million. There's always someone becoming richer than you for much less work, every second of the day.

It reminds me of my childhood: When I was a teenager, like many teenagers, I liked to drink. Unfortunately for me, my father disapproved of teenagers drinking; perhaps once every week or two he would count all of his beer bottles to ensure that I was not sneaking any.

Who would have guessed such an ice age of uncoolness would thaw out in a world where wikileaks was the story of the year, people split dinner with me using money a russian teenager created using a cluster of high performance crypto gear and people organized revolutions online. Giving up is boring.

When I was a teenager I found it fun to intentionally infect myself with malware and try to study it. I know realize this wasn't the most responsible thing to do, as I wasn't in a sandboxed environment, but it was a great learning experience and taught me a lot about networking and security.

Even now, in my middle 30's, it's nearly impossible for me to get a tech job even though my felonious history was from when I was a teenager. You pretty much have to resign yourself to the fact that you'll work at 50% of the salary as your peers or have to make your own future by starting your own companies and projects.

One of the difficult parts of being a teenager and young adult is that you learn the rhythm and gist of how things operate without actually learning how they operate. This is one of the reasons "being cool" is such a big deal at that age -- the idea is to learn to mimic and fit in with the rest of how society works, not actually to be able to manipulate it.

I was a middle class white kid with a great education who got obsessed with hacking and document security as a teenager and went down for figuring out how to perfectly replicate the driving license, thus throwing away many of the advantages that luck, society and my parents had given me. Everyone else in there had no such advantages.

Once you stop programming, your skills will degrade like a musician who stops practicing, you'll eventually forget what its like to be a programmer like a parent forgets what its like to be a teenager. You'll lose your ability to connect with programmers, but hopefully by that time you are managing managers who manage programmers, or something like that.

I found the dialup number to the MIT media lab, and tried logging in as 'RMS' and viola, no password, and I had my first shell account on an internet-connected Unix machine, although I was only a teenager, and didn't attend MIT. RMS's act of charity benefited me greatly, I was relatively poor growing up in inner city Baltimore, and his account was a life line to a new world of the internet and away from the crackhouse infested streets. I find it interesting that he has changed his standpoint from one of radical transparency to techno-privacy.

You sound like a typical bored teenager, with too much time on their hands, wearing their boredom as a nihilistic badge of honor, expecting everyone to entertain them, while simultaneously acting as if they know everything, thereby supposedly being superior to the entertainers. If you can't find anything good to read, then use your apparently copious time to write something which you would want to read, and then anyone who responds positively to it will probably be someone like you.

Teenager definitions


a juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity

See also: adolescent stripling teen