Talking in a sentence as a noun

The article spends pages talking about _why and the authors relationship with _whys work.

Every talking head sounds the same, and the news is always obviously slanted to one side or the other.

Heck, how often do you hear people talking about other immigrants "not assimilating these days".

That shouldn't be possible if the application is just directly talking to Apple the entire time.

If my work mates are talking about something other than work, I'm probably not interested.

It spends a page talking about _whys desire for anonymity and reclusive nature.

It's not even super clear whose mom he was talking about, and doesn't really matter, because nobody's mom can use the goddamn website.

Reading what he is talking about, Stallman's description is absolutely correct.

We're talking about a guy who in all seriousness has said on many public occasions that people should be paying him to work at Amazon.

It's that Silver was able to market the idea that using statistical models is better than a table full of talking heads at predicting an outcome.

Eventually, I wound up not pursuing the matter in court--talking it over with my attorney, it became quite clear that the legal fees of fighting them would be ruinous.

I'm talking the actual conditions of the prisons in the US as labeled by organizations like Amnesty International.

There was a time when TED talks were mostly academics squeezing their usual hour long presentation into 20 minutes by simply talking really really fast.

And I'm not talking about criticism, I'm talking about needless mean, shitty behavior that gets repeated and defended all too often.

Now, we're not talking about American legal policy on things like wrongful imprisonment by the LA Crash unit, idiotic "3-strikes your out" laws, or minimum sentencing laws.

"I once thought it would be funny to time it and see how long another person could go talking to only him and not making eye contact with me, even when he mentioned that he was at the event because of me.

They get out of there as soon as possible.”Lastly, imagine how you'd feel reading a similar opinion piece on Fox News from a gun ** former operator talking about all the American lives he saved by observing and taking out "the bad guys".

It should be used in conjunction with a multi-faceted interviewing approach that involves testing fundamentals, the ability to construct a relatively simple algorithm, the issues of working on a team and on a production code base and systems design.- the problem with simply talking about "real world" code, as the author suggests, is you're no longer finding a good engineer, you're finding someone you like, someone who thinks like you.

Talking definitions


an exchange of ideas via conversation; "let's have more work and less talk around here"

See also: talk