Talent in a sentence as a noun

I'm sitting on +4 sigma talent but have no money.

Dear 42 Floors: why exactly do you think you need rockstar software talent?

If good talent is better off working on their own startup you shouldn't be surprised that they do.

That is, they do not yet know at their stage in life how best to apply the skills, talents, and strengths that they know they possess.

I think this is a side effect of employers who worry more about credentials than talent.

I find it humourous that they say they are clawing them back so they "could attract more top talent with the promise of stock.

With the unvested shares, the executives believed they could attract more top talent with the promise of stock.

Steve did seem to be able to hire, attract, or motivate as many talented engineers as he did drive away.

Eventually, all these things led me to a position where I developed the skill and talent to do what I loved, and to do it well.

> "We also weren't sure if we would be able hire top talent if we chose Go, but we soon found out that we could get top talent because we chose Go.

"I think that 2013 will see the beginning of a Flight to Substance, and if I'm right, that will put that talent to better use than fart apps and toilet check-in services.

If anything out of respect for the work, talent and dedication that goes into designing and building such amazing products.

Knowing Steve, he will go after some of our top Mac talent…Jobs sounds like a Grade-A *******, along with every other player involved in this mess.

The talent that he helped attract and the products they create are responsible for Apple's stock price rise and continued profitability since his death.

It's going to make it significantly harder to hire actual talent, it's going to cause morale decay and revolt from within the company, and it erodes Zynga's brand.

We now have an unprecedented number of ridiculously talented, over-educated people saying, "Dude, where's my machine learning job?

Hard work, even lousy forms of work, can be precisely the sort of thing that allows you to develop into someone who has the talent and character to be able to do the extraordinary things you might love.

Talent definitions


natural abilities or qualities

See also: endowment gift


a person who possesses unusual innate ability in some field or activity