Swooning in a sentence as an adjective

So, it's not that I am swooning over BTC as the perfect currency.

I don't know anyone who looks back on their first time swooning about how romantic and perfect it was.

I would add that back in the 30's everyone was swooning over Hitlers autobahns.

Whether or not this is the future though, despite everyone swooning over Twitter, remains to be seen.

But again, someone has to pay the piper and don't keep swooning over the nonsense that is Modern Monetary Theory.

Of course, the swooning of people who had their cause supported would probably bring Cook much more in feel-good PR than actual transparency would bring him.

I don't want to sound like a Negative Nelly but you all in this thread are swooning over a dictatorship with pretty awful human rights abuses.

I fear we will never get to see Snowden hanged, despite having do endure years of all his internet fanboys swooning over his supposed "sacrifice".

I am the owner of a tech co and just recently went to a site where I was the "cult phenom" as I had not been onsite in a year and me actually walking in the door had people swooning.

How awful exactly is that dictatorship?And besides, the swooning is about Belorussian people, not Lukashenko

Not just companies, politics too. For example, many people were swooning over Obama as The One and soon found out that he's in fact a mere mortal with virtues and flaws like the rest of us. Then they turn against him because "he let them down", as if he could've ever lived up to their unreasonable , super-human expectations.

Humans, it seems, are like drunken poets, who can't glimpse a screen saver in the corner, or plot some points on graph paper without swooning under the metaphorical load and going off on tangents these stray images inspire...'

Simpletons, idiots, caricatures, buffoons and victims performing lots of hand-wringing, posturing, dithering, swooning and assorted drama.

And if potential buyers knew that it was not even art to the artist, what might that mean to them?Of course, I can't be sure what really is in someone else's mind, but if I doubt that the artist would sincerely want this poo-covered crucifix in his own living room for his private enjoyment, nor that the rich people swooning over its deep meaning would care if they couldn't show off their depth to their friends, it means I'm doubting that this piece of junk is really art to anybody.

Swooning definitions


weak and likely to lose consciousness; "suddenly felt faint from the pain"; "was sick and faint from hunger"; "felt light in the head"; "a swooning fit"; "light-headed with wine"; "light-headed from lack of sleep"

See also: faint light light-headed lightheaded