Swampland in a sentence as a noun

I didn't mean to imply the midwest is a swampland; I'm from the midwest.

Most of the area covered is rural, swampland, farmland, etc.

6 months ago, I wandered through the Mekong delta, in swampland where half the houses were palm shacks.

[3] That had an echo in Florida swampland scams in the 60s and 70s. [4] And Miami was one of the worst cities in the recent US property bubble.

So far, the only real successful method of removing mosquitoes has been massive spraying of insecticide, along with draining swampland.

Doing the math, it seems this tax likely increases ones tax bill by roughly 5%.If you believe a 5% decrease in take-home proceeds from successful outcomes will stop entrepreneurship, I've got some swampland in Florida to sell you.

Swampland definitions


low land that is seasonally flooded; has more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage than a bog

See also: swamp