Swag in a sentence as a noun

Enjoy your Yahoo swag and go on with life.

There will be food, drink, swag and lots of other Swift hackers!

Tasteful, quality goods/swag for people like you and I.

For artistic content sites, sell swag like t-shirts.

My local goodwill has received hundreds of swag shirts from me over the years.

So the skills one learns pretending to be a female elf in World Of Warcraft will soon let you get real swag.

Swag in a sentence as a verb

Follow the HNTees lead: provide people who might frequent HN or understand the meaning of the phrase NoSQL with swag.

It wouldn't require giving away an expensive ticket, or buying meals for her, or giving her a swag bag.

Most people are going to donate less than $200 and the people that will donate will do it because they love the site, not because they're looking for swag.

"Lets create a conference where the swag is easily resellable items worth more than the conference admission.

But i'd recommend buying it directly from No Starch because you get the free ebook and swag, plus more money goes directly into my mouth this way

We cost less than an O'Reilly-backed RailsConf event and we provided logo-free swag, great wifi, amazing food, three nights of entertainment with an open bar and we helped speakers with travel and lodging while still managing to break even.

Swag definitions


valuable goods


goods or money obtained illegally

See also: loot booty pillage plunder prize


a bundle containing the personal belongings of a swagman


droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness

See also: droop flag


walk as if unable to control one's movements; "The drunken man staggered into the room"

See also: stagger reel keel lurch careen


sway heavily or unsteadily