Surfboard in a sentence as a noun

I got excited at the prospect of a new surfboard.

Do I want to be hauling my digital surfboard out just to check the time?

I'd rather have a day off with my surfboard on a day with waves than $400 to spend on a Friday night.

Poochie wore sunglasses, a backwards hat, and carried around a surfboard saying hip things.

Surfboard in a sentence as a verb

It seems like they should have waited for the surfboard thing to make it's journey before launching the kickstarter.

My gut feeling at the moment is that its better for more complicated trips - multi-hop or where there is some kind of complexity like carrying a surfboard or if you have several kids, etc...Nice work Lauren & Todd - from a fellow aussie!

In each case the dolphin had to interpret the verb "over" or "fetch" according to the noun: did "fetch" apply to the surfboard or to the speaker, for instance?Language barrierPrimates, birds, cetaceans, dogs and other species have proven able, through extensive training, to understand human words and simple sentences.

Surfboard definitions


a narrow buoyant board for riding surf


ride the waves of the sea with a surfboard; "Californians love to surf"

See also: surf