Supercede in a sentence as a verb

People have been waiting for brilliance to supercede IPv6 for a while.

At the very least, those are rights, that supercede your democracy.

Please excuse my ignorance, but shouldn't British law supercede American law as Holmes was first published in Britain?

What is "putc"?Why does a language designed in this day and age try to cater to old fogeys pining for C naming conventions if it wants to supercede C?

In many ways this will supercede the idea because the idea is just one manifestation of a solution to a problem that you're solving.

The kind of networking for this level of connections still seems to need to supercede any particular, balkanized smaller-scale platform.

> Does the payment requirement somehow supercede the best algorithms in perfectly balancing post activity?Yes.

Does the payment requirement somehow supercede the best algorithms in perfectly balancing post activity?

What are we to lose?The idea that an international treaty cannot supercede the law of the land and the proper legislative processes of the land set US apart in the historic terms.

Certainly I see no reason why your particular definition deserves to supercede the established convention.

It's pretty ****** up, but also I think an inevitable part of growing up for most except for maybe a few hard-core geeks whose passions supercede whatever social narcotics their peers subject them to.

In one case, I was told that if my client failed to enter a plea that day, the prosecutor would supercede and add embarrassing pornography charges to my client's computer crime case based on materials allegedly found on his hard drive but never disclosed to me in discovery.

Supercede definitions


take the place or move into the position of; "Smith replaced Miller as CEO after Miller left"; "the computer has supplanted the slide rule"; "Mary replaced Susan as the team's captain and the highest-ranked player in the school"

See also: supplant replace supersede