Superannuated in a sentence as an adjective

The feeling of knowing that you used to know what, say, "superannuated" or "collusion" or "hegemony" meant, but right now you haven't a clue, is distressing. These words were in long-term memory.

A superannuated UK peer or two will be sacrificed – someone already with dementia. So far the revelations have indeed been "enemies of the West", ie.

I speak here as a superannuated rock journalist with a ridiculously large record collection.

> As we innovate more than SK Not in my field, where superannuated faculty members in the late 70s rehash ideas from their postdoc days. Nobel laureates are few, but every tenured faculty member can hang on forever.

Another perspective to consider accepts that one has a time to be young, and with some probability our paths traverse times to be mature, middle-aged, old, older, and superannuated. With this in mind, the argument for optimizing the entire path is strong.

But I get that people need to blow off steam about that sort of thing from time to time - there's something humiliating in losing a fight you started, especially when your opponent, basically just for the **** of it, sinks the severely superannuated secondhand light cruiser that's the pride of your nation's adorable little pocket navy. Why take it seriously?

The only sufficiently large group available, who were hired, trained, and succeeded in production, were "superannuated Negro prostitutes." The reason the Germans didn't produce their own bombsight in equal numbers is that they believed that such a device could only be produced by highly trained, laboriously apprenticed technicians.

Even aside from those friends, I have had many conversations with people I don't follow and who don't follow me about issues--interesting ones that, in your weird little world, simply wouldn't happen because instead of fixing the problem of superannuated juveniles who have nothing better to do than blow up your phone with guro and death threats, you offer complete non-solutions to begin with. But, then."

Superannuated definitions


too old to be useful; "He left the house...for the support of twelve superannuated wool carders"- Anthony Trollope

See also: overage overaged over-the-hill


old; no longer valid or fashionable; "obsolete words"; "an obsolete locomotive"; "outdated equipment"; "superannuated laws"; "out-of-date ideas"

See also: outdated out-of-date