Sunburn in a sentence as a noun

* To a lesser extent, so does sunburn.

At it's lowest pain levels he says it feels like the worse sunburn he ever had.

Have there been experiments over the long term to make sure these don't cause retinal sunburn?

Face recognition is affected by lighting, makeup, glasses, hair, sunburn/tan, age, etc.

The sunburn one is a cool concept, but most of the data I put in tells me that sunburn is unlikely in Phoenix, AZ.

Walking in Phoenix, AZ is uncommon simply because of massive sunburn exposure...

Sunburn in a sentence as a verb

Almost guaranteed to get a sunburn and some techcrunch coverage if you come out of it with something cool, considering all the ink startup bus got.

Several of those closest to the strike were blinded - it was described to me as a sunburn of the retina, where vision is not restored until the burns heals.

Didn't that same article suggest that what they were likely to end up with apart from an exposure to 180msvā€  was the equivalent of a bad sunburn?It's not like we don't have any idea what radiation does, is it?

I was extremely concerned about the cancer risk and was surprised to come across this in the wikipedia article on sunburn:...if sunscreen penetrates into the skin, it promotes indirect DNA damage, which causes the most lethal form of skin cancer, malignant melanoma.

At the open-casket funeral for the first five victims, relatives saw the combination of five days of winter sunburn in those days before sunscreen, and the mortician's effort to cover up frostbite and a full month of exposure to the elements, and described it as a strange orange color; though others described it simply as a deep tan, which is consistent with reasonable expectations.

Sunburn definitions


a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun

See also: suntan burn


redness of the skin caused by exposure to the rays of the sun


get a sunburn by overexposure to the sun

See also: burn