Summon in a sentence as a verb

You need the right balance of mana, summon and sorcery cards.

It's kind of hilarious how much easier it is to summon moot on HN than on, say, 4chan.

Uber pulled a fun stunt over the summer where you could summon an ice cream truck and it got huge pickup.

When giants fight, I can't summon up any other feeling than fear that the rest of us are going to get squashed.

These reports will be sent to the appropriate LEO to summon and indefinitely detain you.

Sounds like a good way to accidentally summon an elder god via emoticon.

Like the small JS version this also has the bug where you can summon more tiles by pushing again in a direction where movement isn't allowed.

However, his tone in the article and apparent prejudice towards white people makes it difficult for me to summon a lot of nice things to say.

And if your interviewers can't summon the energy to make eye contact with a candidate...well, they're one-tool cavemen.

I'd have a splitting headache due to dehydration, but I couldn't summon the energy to get off the couch and walk 12 feet to where I had bottles of water.

The point would be not to nag the subject daily, but to catch the moment they are falling off the bus, so to speak, and either intervene, summon other friends, or get professional help.

You have to summon a modicum of intestinal fortitude and say "Boss, the fact of the upcoming move means my salary is going to get renegotiated.

So 'pay it forward' chains are a peculiar thing: they summon the feeling of cooperation, in an acceptable way, without actually being effectively cooperative.

Child pornography is one of those bugbears -- much like terrorism -- that is so theoretically abhorrent to a lot of people that anyone trying to push legislation or regulation through the system can summon its specter for an instant veneer of credibility and legitimacy.

Somehow these privately-told jokes, somewhat sexual in nature, were inferred as sexist, and people lost their jobs because of it!This whole situation sickens me--the threats against Adria especially--but the only thing truly surprising at this point is that Adria did not envision her attempt to summon pitchforks would backfire, with pitchforks being turned on herself.

Summon definitions


call in an official matter, such as to attend court

See also: summons cite


ask to come; "summon a lawyer"


gather or bring together; "muster the courage to do something"; "she rallied her intellect"; "Summon all your courage"

See also: muster rally


make ready for action or use; "marshal resources"

See also: mobilize mobilise marshal