Sulphate in a sentence as a noun

After all, that is how the oceans were cleared from iron sulphate in the first place.

He found a solution, which he called 'Bordeaux Mixture' and that combined copper sulphate, water, and lime.

The problem with this particular experiment is the speed and scale of it. Both iron sulphate and iron oxide are being 'dumped' in the ocean all the time, by the world's rivers.

The firs thting I thought of was using the hydrophobic stuff as a mask for pcb fabrication using a copper sulphate solution for the hydro part.

Isn't there a difference between street amphetamine sulphate and adderall?I'm about to horribly mangle some chemistry.

Once he was released after a retrial in 1997, Hu treated hundreds of patients with an herbal remedy that actually contained sodium sulphate.

As I understand it, the aquarium cleaning product in question is a mix of formaldehyde, hydrogen peroxide, copper sulphate and chloroquine.

My experience with becoming infected with covid-19 and taking Hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and Zinc sulphate for five days was positive.

And bulk analytical-grade lithium carbonate, sulphate and citrate not marketed for human consumption are equally easy to acquire and even cheaper.

Calcium ions led to the greatest reduction in hydroxyapatite dissolution, but their effects were moderated by other ions including magnesium and sulphate.

Proper Noun Examples for Sulphate

Sulphates strip out your natural hair oils and do a bunch of bad things, so sulphate-free shampoos are a lot better.

Sulphate definitions


a salt or ester of sulphuric acid

See also: sulfate