Sulfate in a sentence as a noun

Normal lead acid batteries sulfate after a while and fails.

For example in the 80's when **** victims brought dextran sulfate back from Japan, the FDA seized it at the border.

The sulfates may be gone, but the effect of their presence will never be, no matter how tiny or great it is.

"iron sulfate, a readily available compound that steel foundries throw away by the tons.

"Iron sulfate, a readily available compound that steel foundries throw away by the tons.

In addition it has a long life cycle because unlike normal lead acid batteries, the carbon electrode doesn't sulfate.

""Fleming said iron sulfate in fertilizer adds iron and acidifies soil.

Sulfate in a sentence as a verb

A chemical union of tannic acid and iron sulfate dissolved in water or alcohol forms the coloring agent of some inks.

I would assume that the mix is just composed of an adequately well mixed combination of iron sulfate and ammonium nitrate crystals.

If you put some copper sulfate in the water it will keep the microbes at bay and allow you to re-use the water either indefinitely or very good approximation.

The death of so much marine life in such a short time encouraged sulfate-reducing bacteria, which would have released significant amounts of hydrogen sulfide into the atmosphere.

I read an interesting article a few days ago about how borax was used in the US as a meat preservative up through the early 20th century, along with more toxic substances like copper sulfate and formaldehyde.

There are other curious side effects, like a battery that is more or less sulfate proof would be nearly a permanent part of the car, rather then expendable "replace every could years".On the good side, hey its cheaper maintenance, long term.

They say they're not patenting the mixture - does anyone have more details on the chemistry?It sounds like they've found a way to prevent the nitrate-sulfate substitution from occurring directly in the fertilizer, which is very interesting if true.

Sulfate definitions


a salt or ester of sulphuric acid

See also: sulphate


convert into a sulfate