Suffice in a sentence as a verb

In their mind, drawing on a map just did not suffice.

An ER will suffice if you are out of other options or are having seizures.

The pensions simply dont suffice and they feel obliged to support their parents.

I don't understand the context, but I don't know why you'd publicly post an email like that when it seems like an earnest attempt to recruit the guy. "No thanks" would suffice.

I don't know what his motive is, suffice to say that it could be either, and assuming the worst is not necessarily valid.

Usually, glycogen stored in the liver from previous days will suffice to rocket the body's bloodstream with sugar.

My blog's on HN because, well, that's a complicated topic but suffice it to say that it happens with a fair degree of regularity.

Competition is the "active ingredient" in the free market, and "freedom" from regulation does not always suffice to guarantee competition.

I'll elide the specifics of the conversation, because after all she is my mother-in-law, but suffice it to say I was able to bring her around regarding my proposal despite my uncertain employment prospects.

Of course they're entirely free to spend their money any way they want, but was there really no place to spend that better?Congratulations to the Yo team for furthering the research to the origins of the term 'dumb money'.I guess if you timed it right you could use Yo to communicate in Morse, but that seems to be a waste of bits considering that each packet will activate a very large number of bits being sent where one would suffice.

Suffice definitions


be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity; "A few words would answer"; "This car suits my purpose well"; "Will $100 do?"; "A 'B' grade doesn't suffice to get me into medical school"; "Nothing else will serve"

See also: answer serve