Elide in a sentence as a verb

Pypy could solve this by using their JIT to elide writes.

Very few people don't elide a giggle when I tell them that Perl has the best testing culture and tool-chain out there. There is quite a lot of ignorance out there when it comes to Perl.

You can try to elide these things into being the same, but now you're misrepresenting things to make a politically charged point.

Speaking of which, I'm really quite frustrated how many of these recent reports about the NSA elide the technical details. You have to read between the lines to figure out what's really going on, what weaknesses there really are.

They are easy to draw because in doing so you eliminate real world situations and just draw some boxes that elide all the real detail of programming. And in doing so you barely express what will be needed to make the program actually work.

There's a Bitcoin company which I will elide naming that is, perhaps unintentionally, a carder cash out bonanza. It will continue being so until Amazon cracks down.

Volatile ultimately applies to the storage, so a sufficiently smart compiler may be able to deduce that you're lying to it with the cast and elide the write.

I do not know the exact reason for this, but I would guess the iterator code is unable to elide null pointer checks. It's unclear to me whether this is a language limitation or simply a current compiler limitation.

It doesn't do your audience any favors to elide the significant difference between a napkin experimenter and an actual founder. People can and do go bankrupt over that difference.

The minimal rewriting didn't elide the substantial structure and organization of the original work. Just linking to the guy did not attribute the paragraph.

Lots of languages allow this, but Ruby's allowing you to elide parentheses means you can't assume that a property is a property or a function. In other languages, the property versus accessor distinction is more limited and less confusing.

With luck, and a lot of verification, over the course of a decade or three theories elide to the canon of science's best understanding of a given problem space. There we might broadly refer to theories as "true", but that's just everyday conversational shorthand, not the language of science.

* When you say it "draws an analogy between two organizations which used propaganda effectively" you elide important points of information. For one, the nature of any comparison to Stalin.

If your code has lots and lot of virtual calls; lots of exceptions with unpredictable code flow - well, sure, it's really important to elide that flexibility where it's not actually used. That's kind of like JS Vm's nowadays speculatively type their untyped objects - it's a huge win, and not possible statically.

Alternatively, you can keep the ugly prefixes on the record field names, but then use a type class to elide them away everywhere you refer to them. This technique only works when the similarly-named fields have the same type in each record, unless you use fundeps or associated types to attach additional type information to your class.

I'll elide the specifics of the conversation, because after all she is my mother-in-law, but suffice it to say I was able to bring her around regarding my proposal despite my uncertain employment prospects.

While I'd love for those things to come to pass, it's alarming that you elide methods and obstacles entirely. The democratic process has been purchased by the entities you're proposing to regulate, and the entities that you propose enforce these new rules, are beneficiaries of the current arrangement and would be greatly inconvenienced by the changes you propose.

Furthermore, headers do not elide the need for documentation; Objective-C type system is not nearly expressive enough to fully articulate the constraints and invariants of an API, and undocumented APIs are inescapably and destructively ambiguous APIs. Apple even sets a good example here by providing complete documentation for every supported API in the system.

Elide definitions


leave or strike out; "This vowel is usually elided before a single consonant"