Suer in a sentence as a noun

If a person is sued and they come out on top, the suer should be responsible for their legal bills.

Are you suer that's the biggest possible tent rather than one which contains everyone?

If a suer changes its password or certificate, all its records of the databse should be updated?

No sane lawyer will even recommend dragging you to court for that because the judge will like fine the suer and find the sued party not guilty.

NimbleParsec or just plain binary pattern matching make parsers suer easy to write in Elixir.

I know that they are totally different, wondering if xlsx is simpler so that it would be easier code, or whether it is just as complex really, and not suer what real world compatibility is.

Suer definitions


a man who courts a woman; "a suer for the hand of the princess"

See also: suitor wooer


someone who petitions a court for redress of a grievance or recovery of a right

See also: petitioner