Suave in a sentence as an adjective

You don't have to be smart or socially suave to succeed.

Looking "suave" comes from adherence to classic dress.

The usual course of action is to mock that suave guy using the keyboard dock like a tablet.

You can make a lot of money wanking around with suave ways to get pixels onto an iPhone screen.

It would still work and bluntly convey my intentions, but it would come off as completely un-suave.

I am not the suave, athletic bachelor you obviously are...I've heard this story before.

He's ruined your hard-earned reputation as a slick, suave James Bond-type operator.

The pronounced extroversion and talkativeness that makes you think you're a suave genius.

Presumably you could give these folks disinformation and check to see if the cops show up. I am not sure why anyone would think police on social media would be any more suave than police in real life.

Basically both the communities are full of bs, HN does it with suave and accepted sophistication.

> "High level corporate sales is basically buying a suave guy who has a rolodex of people who can make purchasing decisions.

> who thought he would look like a "suave gangster"I think it was intended as adorable, humorous self-derogation on authors part.

I am not the suave, athletic bachelor you obviously are, and I've managed to hear this story from actual women repeatedly.

So his message is basically that Microsoft users are creepy beta orbiters who have to send songs to girls on the Internet, while Mac fans are suave lotharios who get to enjoy actual physical proximity with girls instead?

Suave definitions


having a sophisticated charm; "a debonair gentleman"

See also: debonair debonaire debonnaire


smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication; "he was too politic to quarrel with so important a personage"; "the manager pacified the customer with a smooth apology for the error"

See also: politic smooth bland