Stutter in a sentence as a noun

When I was young, I was a very shy kid with a stutter.

I got up to play in the 20-30 range at once without any lack of responsiveness and with no stutter etc.

I had a moderately severe stutter growing up.

All the so called nerds I worked with had girlfriends or wives and didn't wear pocket protectors and stutter around females when talking to them.

YouTube crams a perfectly-buffered, crisp HD ad down your throat before leaving you with a video that might stutter or fail to load even at 480p.

Stutter in a sentence as a verb

Or in Karmic, when a regression in the Intel video drivers made even dragging windows stutter on my laptop with 4GB of RAM.

Safari scrolls responsively, while Chrome and Firefox stutter until the page finishes loading.

Because they want to do fine-grained logging in an evented C program, where repeated filesystem access will block and cause the program to stutter.

Particularly as it never really means perfectly smooth - even iOS on the latest hardware has the occasional stutter.

I got one job with a conversation that went like this:My friend: "Well, I have someone for you, but he has a pretty bad stutter"Employer: "As long as he's smart and can get the job done, I don't care if he talks backwards!

Stutter definitions


a speech disorder involving hesitations and involuntary repetitions of certain sounds

See also: stammer


speak haltingly; "The speaker faltered when he saw his opponent enter the room"

See also: bumble stammer falter