Streptomycin in a sentence as a noun

On HN for 1310 days and you don't know why streptomycin was downvoted?

"Correlated letter from 2011: "Dear streptomycin, your fingerprint data is currently not stolen!

It comes with detailed instructions to do a project: modify E. coli so that it can grow on streptomycin, which normally kills bacteria!This story is the textbook definition of "scientific innovation story that's creating mixed feelings": On the one hand, the whole thing sounds like a Hollywood adaptation of Bioshock, the heavily tattooed unconventional PhD experimenting on himself, biohacker stickers that say "Create Something Beautiful", etc.

Streptomycin definitions


an antibiotic produced by the actinomycete Streptomyces griseus and used to treat tuberculosis