Stodginess in a sentence as a noun

But avoiding change is not just knee-jerk stodginess, either.

There's always been an air of pretension and stodginess around the whole process.

The lack of stodginess wouldn't have bothered me if I had been able to obtain key details on the format for free.

If you haven't lived in California then it's hard to notice the stodginess of the society you live in.

> "I will endure downvote after downvote unto hellban in order to defy our stodginess.

They represent a great amount of boldness and brushing away stodginess while still being totally reverent to the heritage they're supposed to represent.

This feat actually contradicts everything everybody now says about the company's "stodginess" and its "bureaucracy.

People will be complaining in news columns about the stodginess and stagnation of their society, but proposals to limit the use of rejuvenation or allow younger members of society more power would be as outlandish as allowing a middle-schooler to become president.

I couldn't possibly agree more in general, though of course I'd quibble with many of the specifics...As to stodginess, I'd say there's a big difference between personal/small commercial lines and the big ticket enterprise-type stuff -- the underwriting process goes from something data-driven to something relationship-driven very quickly indeed.

Stodginess definitions


dull and pompous gravity

See also: stuffiness